Tempura of Alpinia zerumbet petal

Alpinia zerumbet

Shell ginger blossoms bloom in May.
Probably because it was a warm winter again this year, the shell ginger in my field began to bloom around March and are now beginning to bear fruit.

Today, I made tempura flowers that are unique to this season.
Instead of using the whole flower, use only the yellow petals.

Here is the article I wrote before about Tsukitomo.
Alpinia zerumbet – shell ginger–月桃

Shell ginger has beauty and bactericidal effects.


Speaking of tempura, young leaves of pea palm that my children love.
It is a piiyashi in gook (fence of stones) of my home.

Piiyashi is dried and powdered for use as island pepper in cooking.
Piiyashi leaves are finely chopped and mixed with juicy rice for a spicy and spicy aroma.
The young leaves are soft and the chopsticks will not stop if you use tempura.

Piiyashi has the effect of warming the body.

If you make tempura with mugwort, the bitterness will disappear and you can enjoy it.
Click here for how to make dried mugwort.
Comment faire de l’ armoise séchée – How to make dried mugwort

Mugwort is rich in iron, minerals, and dietary fiber, and removes bad cholesterol and active oxygen from blood vessels to make blood smooth and stimulate the intestines to make movements active. This will eliminate waste products in the body and help reduce constipation.

I’m not good at frying tempura, so my 9 year old son came to help me.
Three kinds of tempura have been completed thanks to his skillful help.

I made fresh herb tea because the petals of moon peaches are beautiful.
I mixed mint, rosemary, Koshin rose, and peach petals based on long-life-leaf tea.


Today’s dinner!

・ Tempura (young leaves of piiyashi, petals of shell ginger, mugwort)
・ Mirin marinade mackerel
Handama and mugwort salad
・ Rice containing brown rice
・ Hibiscus tea / apple enzyme syrup juice

多数のベストコスメ受賞!! ポーラ最高峰ブランド「B.A」のアイクリーム。 独自の保湿成分「月桃葉BAリキッド」「アケビ茎エキス」を配合した 濃密なクリームで、ゆるくなった目元を引き締めてくれます。
