Guava tea for diet life

Guava is famous as a tropical fruit, but its leaves are also popular in Okinawa as one of the three healthy teas.

The three teas are
① Turmeric tea for hangover
② Kumis Kuching Tea that is effective against high blood pressure
③ Guava tea effective for dieting

I would like to introduce you…
[1] Report on guava tea making experience
[2] Effect of Guava Tea
[3] Guava for Taketomi island


[1] Guava Tea Making Experience


I got leaves from the guava tree.
Thoroughly wash and drain the water.

Roughly chop and slowly roast in a frying pan over extremely low heat.
Even in the sun if it is a dry environment.


When it is dry, turn off the heat and let it cool on a colander or net.


I crushed it in a mixer and dried it in a frying pan.
(Because it is in the middle of the rainy season, it will be dried thoroughly.)

When making tea, I use about 1 teaspoon of 1 liter of hot water.
You can choose the amount.

Guava tea is slightly sweet and easy to drink while there are many bitter and addictive herbal teas, so it is recommended.

[2] Effects of Guava Tea

① Suppress the rise in blood sugar

Guava leaves contain a unique polyphenol, which has the effect of slowing the absorption of sugar in the intestine and suppressing an increase in blood sugar.

② Help the diet

It suppresses the absorption of sugar and makes it difficult for fat to accumulate.
By suppressing cholesterol in the blood, it improves blood flow and metabolism.
It’s a recommended tea during a diet.

③ Anti-aging

As it contains polyphenols with high antioxidant activity, it has an anti-aging effect.

④ Non-caffeine

Guava tea does not contain caffeine, so it is recommended for people who are not good at caffeine, pregnant or breast-feeding.

[3] On Taketomi Island

In Okinawa, it is called Banshiro, and in the Taketomi dialect it is called Toish, and it has been used as a medicine for a long time.

①For dried fruits, stop vomiting and decoction to prevent diarrhea.
② Leaves are decompressed for high blood pressure, diabetes and enteritis.
③ If you have eczema, scratches, or bleeding, stick a fresh leaf on it and drain or wash it.
