Herbal Breakfast at Okinawa Daiichi Hotel

Okinawa Daiichi Hotel is a small hotel on Kokusai-dori in Makishi, Naha, and is one of the oldest hotel in Okinawa.

We could enjoy special full-course breakfast with more than 50 items using various okinawan vegetables and medicinal herbs.

3 kind of welcome drinks on the table,
Homemade Soy Milk,
Peucedanum Japonicum Juice,
and Shikuwasa Juice

soup of yushi dofu (fluffy tofu)

island carrots and black beans

Peucedanum japonicum salad

Seasonal fruits desserts

Amagashi dessert

Boiled winter melon.

3,240 yen per person
You have to reserve but not need stay at hotel.

Okinawa Daiichi Hotel
1-1-12 Makishi, Naha-shi
